How Much is a 3-Carat Diamond?

Sparkly, alluring, and downright valuable, diamonds will always be the leading contender in the jewelry business. And a higher carat purchased means more than 6 money is spent. But while most buyers play it safe by sticking to low carats, some take the extra leap to buy something more notable, like a 3-carat diamond ring.

If you’re considering a 3-carat diamond, you’re willing to spend a good amount of money on it. And this doesn’t only refer to the stone’s price, as most times, a top-quality 3-carat diamond ring will come on a highly-priced ring and setting. After all, what else expresses an air of class as such a combo?

But diamonds are priced by evaluating numerous factors and conditions. And if you don’t know this, you may spend more for less or lose out entirely. Here, we’ll show you the many aspects of determining how much a 3-carat ring costs. We’ll also explain how these factors can create distinctions in such stones’ costs and show you how to get the best value when choosing your preferred gem.

What is a 3-Carat Diamond?

The carat is the unit that measures a diamond’s weight and is used to calculate the price of every stone. And one carat equals approximately 0.2 grams or 200 milligrams, depending on which parameter you prefer. By that logic, a 3-carat diamond would be any stone weighing approximately 0.6 grams or 600milligrams on a digital scale.

It’s important to know that this unit only applies to the diamond, as it’s the universally established standard for measuring its weight. As such, it shouldn’t be confused with the overall weight of a diamond ring. When jewelry is referred to as a 3-carat diamond ring, the statement means the stone it carries weighs precisely 0.6 grams. By this logic, it can be noted that the ring metal’s weight isn’t considered but stated separately.

A 3-carat diamond ring is visibly large and weighs as much as a raisin by scale. Of course, it’s not as big as you may wonder, but when considering its scale on a finger, the stone can be quite a sight. And weight is also a significant indicator of how much it costs, as stones measuring 3 carats or more are considered on the high side. But this property isn’t the only parameter for determining how much it’s sold, so let’s explore the other aspects involved;

What Determines the Price of a 3-Carat Diamond?

Like every other stone, a 3-carat diamond is valued by analyzing its 4Cs: cut, clarity, color, and carat. And as these factors are considered in lower-carat diamonds, so are they rated on higher ones. But as the stones go higher on the weight scale, each factor is scrutinized differently. The reason is that bigger diamonds excel better in some aspects of the 4Cs, while also being closely checked in others.

But before moving to the 4Cs, the first step is to decide what shape you’ll want your 3-carat diamond to come. Unlike the characters in the 4Cs, the shape is mostly a matter of personal taste and leans more towards the size of the stone. Simply put, the shape is why you can pick a 3-carat diamond that looks bigger than the standard size you’re familiar with.

Diamond shapes offer their size differences from the diameter of their tabletop (the flat surface on top of a carved diamond). And there are various options for 3-carat diamonds, with the most common listed below;

Diamond ShapeTable Surface Area (Approx. in mm)
Round Brilliant9.37 by 9.37 by 5.65
Princess7.95 by 7.95 by 5.72
Oval11.7 by 7.8 by 4.76
Emerald9.64 by 7.14 by 4.64
Radiant8.33 by 8.33 by 5.33
Asscher8.1 by 8.1 by 5.27
Cushion8.4 by 8.4 by 5.38
Pear13.05 by 7.86 by 4.79
Marquise14.98 by 7.49 by 4.57
Heart9.46 by 9.46 by 5.68

Round diamonds are most valued; hence attract a higher price tag. But they don’t fare as well as other shapes regarding the surface size. Elongated diamond shapes like pear, oval, or marquise offer a more prominent appearance regardless of the same carat weight. So, this factor must first be settled before commencing to the main attributes to look for in your diamond.

Once done, you can then proceed to analyze the 4Cs. And below, we’ll observe these characteristics observed in large diamonds like the 3-carat stones and determine how each factor is the most vital determinant for its overall value.

The cut is the factor that determines how the diamond reflects and sparkles, thus giving an overall measure of its brilliance. And it combines numerous elements for consideration, including the stone’s shape, polish, proportions, and symmetry. The cut grade influences how the diamond reflects light and permits it to exit its table. The best sparkle and brilliance are derived from diamonds with the highest cut grades.

The cut quality is ranked as the most crucial factor to consider when picking large diamonds, as it’s the primary source of the stone’s beauty and sparkle. And it’s the primary determinant of the gem’s price. The grades vary from Good to Very Good, Excellent, and Ideal, ranging from the lowest to highest.

If you aren’t shy about spending the big bucks, you’ll want to go for a 3-carat diamond with the Ideal cut, as it’s ranked the best and highest grade any stone can possess. Such a cut grade features the most intricately measured proportions and symmetry, thus encouraging maximum sparkle and brilliance in any stone. But as mentioned before, Ideal cuts jack the price of a diamond, and on a 3-carat stone, that can be quite a fortune.

Fortunately, you can also consider the Excellent cut, which though it isn’t as impressive as the Ideal Cut, still encourages s fantastic amount of brilliance and sparkle in a diamond. Anything below these grades won’t promote the best brilliance in a 3-carat diamond. It would help if you stuck to choosing top-quality cut grades, as a typical 3-carat diamond may derive about 50% of its price from its cut quality. And a lower grade cut will attract lesser value for a stone.


This factor indicates how many (or minor) flaws can be seen in the diamond. And it does so by counting the number of surface defects, inclusions, and blemishes present in the gemstones. And while the GIA clarity scale measures this characteristic using its nine-grade parameter, not all of it applies when considering the best quality and price for 3-carat diamonds.

The GIA Clarity scale begins with the Internally Flawless (IF) grade, considered the highest clarity a commercially sold diamond can attain. And this assumption arises after the conclusion that entirely flawless diamonds are scarce. The IF is followed by four sub-levels of two high-grade clarity levels; Very Very Small Inclusions (VVS1 and 2) and Very Small Inclusions (VS 1 and 2). And finally, it concludes with the average grades Small Inclusions (S1 and 2) and Inclusions (I1, 2, and 3).

A buyer will heavily consider all clarity grades when picking a lower carat. And as the clarity grade increases, so do the price of diamonds that fall into them. But when seeking a large stone like a 3-carat diamond, you’ll want to focus on clarity grades of a higher rating.

These flaws can be easily detected in large stones due to their vast surface areas. As such, the best value of clarity for 3-carat diamonds is found around the VVS and VS ranges. But when picking from these ranges, it helps to note that you may not tell the stones apart by self-observation but would notice the difference in their prices.


Diamonds have a characteristic ability to tint color in their crystal forms. And the detection level of this property is graded from D to Z. The D range indicates that a diamond is as clear and colorless as possible. The color detection becomes more apparent as you go lower in the range. And at the bottom range, Z, a brown or yellow tint, is easily noticed in the gems.

Color grades also determine how much a diamond is sold, and the higher the grade is, the more money the stones in its category will attract. But to the average observer, some color grade ranges feature stones that you can’t tell apart, even when their prices say otherwise. The GIA describes these ranges on its color grade scale, placing closely similar levels in groups. You’ll note some level pairings like DEF, GHI, JKL, and MNZ.

From an overview, it’s possible to conclude that when picking a 3-carat diamond, the cut ranks as the highest attribute to pick, followed by the clarity, color, and shape. 

General Price of a 3-Carat Diamond

Though you can combine the abovementioned factors to determine how much they should pay for a 3-carat diamond, it’s also essential to have a broad price range. On average, 3-carat diamonds cost around $19,000 to $95,000, and this is derivative of what grades of its attributes you combine. Of the various attributes, the cut quality has the most impact on a 3-carat diamond’s monetary value, thus making it an essential feature to consider before choosing. And the stone’s price becomes more significant since it’s of a high carat weight level.

Getting the Best Value When Buying 3-Carat Diamonds

Knowing how extensive the price range of a 3-carat diamond can be, it can be overwhelming to determine what your budget should contain. Couple that with the numerous factors and attributes that determine its price, and you may end up with quite a headache.

But it gets better, as we’ll also offer you solid tips to picking the best 3-carat diamonds for your buck. And by combining the right factors, you can save yourself the stress of seeking the ideal stone while also ensuring you’re not paying more than you should.

Cut Grade: You should keep in mind that the cut quality is the most significant factor to consider when selecting a 3-carat diamond, and in this aspect, you can’t afford to be thrifty. So, always go for the highest cut grades when choosing such stones. Pick a stone with Ideal cut grades every time before considering the other factors. And if you can’t afford its cost, an Excellent-cut grade is your next best bet.

Clarity Grade:3-carat diamonds are significantly large, so most times, the blemishes and flaws can be easily noticed. But if you aren’t skilled at detecting these things, you’ll spend more without realizing how to get the best value from closely-similar stones of different clarity grades. Diamonds of VVS2 and VS1 grades can be barely told apart using the naked eye, so you can tap this advantage by paying for a VS2- the perfect in-between option for clarity and price. And you can also find an S1 with its inclusions close to edges and those hidden when it’s mounted in a ring setting.

Shape: Always pick a 3-carat diamond shape with a larger surface area if you wish to cut costs. Round diamonds are pricey and mostly come with the highest quality, but you can find an equally graded oval or pear diamond shape at a lower price.

Color and Setting: There are two ways to manipulate your color choice to match your best value purpose when buying 3-carat diamonds. The first is to select a stone around the GHI range, as these types offer a seemingly colorless effect to the eye without being as pricey as the high-grade DEF options. The second is to pair your selected diamond color with a ring setting that hides this trait. This option applies when you plan to buy a gem within the JKL range, which is known for exhibiting a bit of warm tint. For instance, if you pick a K color diamond, ensure to set it on a ring that hides its slight yellow, like rose gold.

These factors can be blended to plan a budget-friendly price for your preferred 3-carat diamond. But it’s also great to have extra help when doing this. So, why not consider employing an expert who’ll act as your second pair of experienced eyes on the matter. A diamond expert will point out areas to take advantage of and get the best value.

Where to Buy 3-Carat Diamonds?

Many jewelry stores sell tons of high-quality 3-carat diamonds, and if you’ve got one around, you can start from there. Finding a ring of such weight grade is easy because it commands a large budget and flexible option ranges. You can also consider picking one from numerous online stores right from your home. But when buying a 3-carat diamond, or any other one, certain precautions must be noted.

  • Ensure to only buy from a trusted retailer. A3-carat diamond costs a lot of money, so always buy from renowned diamond traders and institutions unless you want to lose out completely.Ensure the stone comes with a GIA or AGS certificate. These institutes are the legal bodies responsible for vetting and grading diamond quality. So, the stone must come with these documents to solidify the quality claims.
  • Do apt research on market prices for 3-carat diamonds before picking one. You can compare the offer value with what you’ve already known and make the best bargain for your money.
  • Seek the assistance of a diamond expert, as they can help you point out the slightest error in both the stone and the certification, if any. This move is a considerable time and money saver and can be the difference between a significant gain and a terrible loss.


Many reasons can prompt you to consider buying a 3-carat diamond, but its price is the one thing that decides whether you own it. And that itself is determined by a host of factors, both of which you must understand before purchasing the gemstone. We’ve compiled all you must know before stepping out to shop for your stone. And when these tips are employed, you’re sure to save yourself extra money and return with an excellent quality 3-carat diamond.