Birthstone Colors for your Month

 You may wonder if you have a birthstone for your month. The good news is that there are many different colors of birthstones available! The following are a few examples of each month’s birthstone and the colors they represent. The birthstone for January is the garnet. The name garnet comes from the Latin word granatum, which means seed, and is often associated with pomegranate seeds. When you think about birthstones, you might not immediately associate the color with its meaning. 

However, the gemstone is often associated with its month of birth. Its meaning is often quite significant. Wearing a birthstone can represent good luck, wellness, and warding off bad karma. This is because gemstones come in all different hues. You may choose the color of your birthstone depending on your personality, or the color that represents your month.

Birthstones by Month

January – Garnet

Color: Brown, Pink, Reddish, Black

Born in January, the grenade is believed to protect users while traveling. The word “garnet” comes from a term meaning “seed” because the color and shape of the gem resemble the grain of a pomegranate.

February – Amethyst

Color: Purple

Amethyst, the birthstone of February, is said to strengthen bonds and give courage to its wearer. Previously, only kings could wear jewelry. The ancient Greeks believed that amethyst was protected against poisoning. In fact, “amethyst” comes from the Greek word “amethyst”, which means “consciously”.

March – Aquamarine, Bloodstone

Color: Blue

Aquamarine, March’s stone, was believed to cure diseases of the heart, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. All she could do was drink the water soaked in the gem. Early sailors believed that a turquoise amulet engraved with the image of the sea god Neptune protected them from sea dangers.

Another March birthstone is the bloodstone, which is dark green with red specks.

April – Diamond

Color: Colorless, faint yellow, near colorless, etc

The diamond, the stone of April, is not only a symbol of eternal love but is also said to give courage. In Sanskrit, diamonds are called vajra, which means lightning. In Hindu mythology, the bajra is the weapon of Indra, the king of the gods.

May – Emerald

Color: Green

Constone, an emerald, was one of Cleopatra’s favorite gemstones. It has long been associated with fertility, rebirth, and love. The ancient Romans even dedicated this stone to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Today, the emerald is believed to signify wisdom, growth, and perseverance.

For May, the birthstone is emerald. The name comes from the vulgar Latin Esmeralda, which derives from the Greek smaragdos. Emeralds were used by the ancient Egyptians for jewelry and even placed in the tombs of fallen monarchs. They represent rebirth and creation and are said to foster personal growth. These are all important attributes for those born in May!

June – Pearl

Color: Pink, black, white, etc

Pearl, the stone of June, has long been a symbol of purity. The ancient Greeks considered pearls to be the tears of happiness of the goddess of love, Aphrodite.

July – Ruby

Color: Red

The ruby, the birthstone of July, was considered the “king of jewels” by the ancient Hindus. It is believed that it protects its owner from evil. Today, the deep red color of rubies symbolizes love and passion.

July’s birthstone is the ruby. This gemstone is the hardest of all-natural gemstones and is associated with wisdom and health. It is also known as the evening emerald. It is found in volcanic ash and is associated with the goddess of fire, Pele. When set in gold, the peridot protects wearers from nightmares. So, if you want to buy a birthstone for your month, this is the perfect choice for you!

August – Peridot

Color: Various shades of Green

The August birthstone, peridot, symbolizes strength. It is sometimes called the “evening emerald” for its light green color. It was once believed that the green peridot crystals found in volcanic ashes were the tears of the volcano goddess, Pele. When set in gold, this gem was said to protect the wearer from nightmares.

The main birthstone for August is the yellow topaz. It is a popular stone that is associated with grace and purity. However, sapphires come in many different colors. While the blue hue is indicative of September, alternatives to sapphire include lapis lazuli, zircon, and other stones that come in other colors. Despite the blue color, the other birthstones for September are white, pink, and red.

The gemstones associated with the months of August and September are the ruby and peridot. Peridot is a vibrant lime green gemstone, and the gem is said to increase a person’s energy and calm down sadness. Spinel, on the other hand, is a light green gemstone and is associated with August. It represents loyalty, good fortune, and wealth. For this reason, it is often paired with ruby.

September – Sapphire

Color: Dark Blue

Sapphire, the birthstone of September, was once believed to protect against evil and poison. It is believed that if a viper is placed in a sapphire cup, it will die. Traditionally a favorite stone of priests and kings, sapphire symbolizes purity and wisdom.

September is a month with two birthstones – sapphire and opal. Both of these gemstones can come in any color, but sapphire is the most popular and is often used as an engagement ring. Sapphire is also a very popular gemstone for engagement rings and is considered a symbol of heavenly grace. Sapphires have been used for centuries to protect against evil and poisoning. Opal is the birthstone for October and is another powerful stone. It can be used to heal a person’s wounds.

October – Opal

Color: Colorful, pink, white, etc.

Opal, the stone of October, symbolizes fidelity and trust. The word opal comes from the Latin word meaning “precious stone”. An opal-studded necklace was worn to ward off evil and to protect sight.

For October, a birthstone for this month is an opal. The word opal means “change in color.” The stone changes color depending on the light it receives. They are said to bring happiness and healing. Opals can also be found in pink Cubic Zirconia, which is a cheaper alternative to diamonds. In addition to opal, the gem for October is the amethyst.

November – Topaz

Color: Blue

The November birthstone, topaz, symbolizes love and affection. It is believed to give the wearer increased strength and intellect.

The birthstones for the months of October and November have unique meanings. The gemstones for October are blue, violet, and orange, while the birthstone for November is topaz. The topaz is a mineral made from aluminum silicate and contains the chemical element fluorine. It comes in many different shades and can be clear, yellow-orange, or pink. However, it is considered a December birthstone due to its blue color and unusual meaning. 

December – Turquoise

Color: Blue-Green

Turquoise, the stone of December, is considered a love talisman. It is also said to calm the mind and protect its wearer as a symbol of good luck and success. A turquoise ring is believed to protect against evil spirits.

December’s birthstone is the blue topaz, which can be either pink or yellow. The name derives from the Arabic word for “bluestone.” It helps the bearer stay focused and clear-sighted. If you prefer a different color, try buying turquoise jewelry. The blue zircon is a beautiful stone that helps you organize your mind and clear away emotional hangups. Once you clear these hangups, you can move forward with confidence and make your dreams a reality.

What are the Best Birthstones for you?

The green and yellow tones of peridot help to relieve stress and aggression. Best of all, peridot has a reputation for warding off bad spirits. Spinel is the stone representing renewal and hope. Sapphire is known for its deep blue color and is associated with wisdom and modesty. Sapphire, like the other birthstones, is a natural healer.

What is the Origin of the Birthstone?

Birthstones, or gemstones that match a person’s birth month, are a relatively new concept. Its origins, however, can be traced back to biblical times. Historians think that the twelve gemstones on Aaron’s breastplate originally represented the twelve tribes of Israel. Each stone, it’s assumed, conferred exceptional abilities on anyone who wore it during the corresponding astrological period. As a result, individuals attempted to gather and wear all twelve jewels as talismans or for therapeutic purposes throughout the year.

How do Traditional and Modern Birthstone Jewelry Differ?

Despite the fact that the lists differ slightly, romantic gem enthusiasts in Western cultures today frequently chose birthstones from both lists. While most modern consumers do not believe these stones have extraordinary abilities, they do have common meanings and connotations.

While traditional birthstones like opal, pearl, and turquoise are a combination of transparent and opaque jewels, the current list exclusively includes transparent gems. In practice, this makes it easy to combine many jewels in a single piece of modern birthstone jewelry. Choose one of the old stones for your jewelry if you prefer the traditional look over the current alternative.


Every birthstone has a unique meaning and value. They make excellent gifts, and they are all associated with positive and pure things. Therefore, knowing the birthstone’s value can make it even more special for the person wearing it.

Garnet is another popular birthstone, and it’s associated with the beginning of the year. It is also associated with movement and travel and is a memorable stone. People born in January are often on the move, so wearing a garnet pendant or ring is a great idea if you’re one of those people. These gems are the perfect complement to the birthstone colors for your month. You’ll never regret wearing them.