How Much Is A Black Diamond Worth?

If you’re wondering how much a black diamond is worth, you’re not alone. This gemstone has risen in popularity over the past few years and is fast becoming a fashionable fashion item. However, many consumers don’t treat them as diamonds, and many of the ones on the market are not even black diamonds. They have treated diamonds that have a color. That’s unfortunate because diamonds are rare and beautiful pieces of jewelry. 

Luckily, it’s not impossible to buy a stunning black diamond for under $100. The beauty of these black diamonds is that their price doesn’t increase with carat size. That’s great news for anyone in the market for a stunning ring. Because black diamonds have a much lower carat weight, they’re also cheaper to purchase. Similarly, the value of these gems doesn’t rise with the carat size. 

The Four Cs Of Black Diamonds 

Because they have such distinctive qualities, black diamonds can’t be graded by the 4Cs (diamond cut, color, clarity, and carat) in the same way colorless diamonds can be. Black diamonds can receive cut grades, and they do have carat weights. But black diamonds cannot receive standard color or cut grades. Black diamonds can’t be graded on the colorless diamond color scale since they fall far outside of it. They can’t be graded on the colorless diamond clarity scale since they’re inherently so highly included.  

So, black diamonds won’t come with the same type of grading report that certified colorless diamonds would come with. Instead, black diamonds may come with a different type of report that notes things such as color (black diamonds are given only one color grade: Fancy black) and whether or not the diamond is natural. The GIA’s version of this report is called a Colored Diamond Identification and Origin Report.  

Three Types of Black Diamonds

Natural Black Diamonds are quite different than other colored diamonds. The “dry” explanation of what a black diamond is, is an impure form of polycrystalline diamond consisting of diamond, graphite, and amorphous carbon. Not that clear… 

But in other words, while “regular” natural colored diamonds get their color due to impurities that are attached to them during the formation process (for example, boron causes blue diamonds), black diamonds are similar to white diamonds that have an extremely high amount of inclusions, clusters of graphite inside of them to the point that they appear black. 

Treated black diamonds are regular white diamonds usually of meager value due to the high amount of inclusions in them. Since they have so many inclusions, as white diamonds, the only use is as industry-grade diamonds, however, with the help of treatments such as irradiation or heat. 

In a way, a more suitable name for these diamonds (which I’ve seen used numerous times) is “colorless treated black diamonds” or simply “black colored diamonds.” Since for creating this type of black diamond, “useless” white diamonds are used, these are the cheapest type of black diamonds. 

Artificial / lab-grown / synthetic / Simulant black diamonds are not diamonds in the usual sense of the word. While to me, these are all less the same, I believe that those who deal with these types of diamonds would not agree with me (and would be immensely angered with me). 

All of these are usually referred to as faux, but to be honest, there is a vast difference between them. But, to be honest, there is a vast difference between them. 

Lab-grown diamonds are, in a way, hi-tech companies, and while treated diamonds are vastly cheaper than regular diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are still not as cheap. The reason is that there are tons of research expenses, heavy and expensive machinery, men power. 

While you can see a market for lab-grown blue and pink diamonds, there is no market for lab-grown brown diamonds or black diamonds – there is no economic sense. Natural blue and pink diamonds cost tens of thousands per carat and brown or black diamonds cost about $2,000 – $3,000 per carat. 

The reason I did cover the subject of “man-made black diamonds” here is that I know it is searched for and written about but, to be honest, I have never encountered such – probably because it is not economical to produce. Also, as with other hi-tech products, with the advancement of technology their prices are constantly going down. 

Simulants/synthetics, on the other hand, are just like buying cubic zirconia and are almost free – you can buy them “a dime a dozen” on sites like Alibaba. You should not buy them if you are looking for black diamonds but you should know about them and watch out for them. 

The Rarity & Affordability of Black Diamonds 

Like other types of fancy color diamonds, black diamonds are extremely rare. Black diamonds are much rarer than colorless diamonds, which may come as a surprise if you’re familiar with these diamonds’ price points– black diamonds are much less expensive than colorless diamonds.  

Wondering why black diamonds are more affordable than colorless diamonds? It’s simply an issue of demand. Since colorless diamonds are in higher demand, diamond miners and jewelers charge more for them.  

In addition to being rare, black diamonds don’t sparkle like their counterparts. They lack brilliance, and there is no color grading system for them. Since they’re so rare, they’ve been difficult to value. Luckily, however, black diamonds are becoming increasingly popular, and their price is increasing too. In fact, the price of a black diamond can be almost half that of a colorless diamond  

Are Black Diamonds Real?  

Yes! Black diamonds are real diamonds with black color. Black diamonds are made of carbon, just like colorless diamonds, and contain mineral inclusions that make them black. Most commonly, black diamonds contain graphite inclusions. 

Are Black Diamonds Heat Treated?  

Not all black diamonds have been heated-treated. However, the majority of the black diamonds you’ll find sold today have been heat-treated to induce their coloring. Many of the black diamonds you’ll find in jewelry stores are natural diamonds that initially had a gray color, then underwent a heat treatment that gave them an even black color. Note that most of the black diamond jewelry sold today features heat-treated black diamonds because natural black diamonds with even coloring are much more rare and expensive.   

Where Do Black Diamonds Come From? 

Natural fancy black diamonds are found in relatively few locations in the world. The majority of the world’s natural black diamonds come from Brazil and the Central African Republic.  

Is A Black Diamond The Same Thing As Carbonado?  

Carbonado is another name for black diamond, but this term is typically used to describe a specific type of black diamond. The term Carbonado is more commonly used to describe polycrystalline black diamonds that are used for industrial purposes, while the term black diamond is more commonly used to describe jewelry quality black diamonds.  

How Much Do Black Diamonds Cost?  

The average cost of a black diamond depends on whether it is a heat-treated natural diamond or an untreated natural diamond. Treated black diamonds have an average cost of $300 per carat, while untreated black diamonds have an average cost of $3,000 per carat. 

If you’re looking for a beautiful piece of jewelry, a black diamond may be the right choice. The beauty of these gemstones makes them worth the investment. Whether they’re natural or treated, the prices of black diamonds can vary widely. A good black diamond can fetch as much as $450 per carat. The Amsterdam black diamond sold for $532,400. That’s not bad. 

If you’re looking for a unique, beautiful diamond, you may want to know how to value them. The answer isn’t always simple. Depending on the type of black diamond you’re interested in, you’ll probably need to consider the color and clarity of the diamond. The most valuable black diamonds are those with very high carats, while colorless diamonds are rare. They also are more expensive than black diamonds. 

Price Of Black Diamond 

The price of a black diamond is dependent on its size, origin, and quality. A natural black diamond is not treated with chemicals. It is a natural diamond that has been treated to achieve a black color. In contrast, a black diamond that has been treated is worth much less than a colorless diamond. In contrast, an enhanced or synthetic black rock will be much more expensive than a natural black one.   

While black diamonds are rarer than white diamonds, they’re still valued as a unique stones. In fact, they’re also a bit more expensive than their white counterparts. Despite their high cost, a real black diamond is a great investment. In addition to the price, a black gem will also be more desirable if it’s a rare, fancy-black diamond. 

In contrast to colored diamonds, black diamonds don’t sparkle like their colorless cousins. While they don’t sparkle the same way, they’re not as valuable as colorless diamonds. This is mainly because they lack brilliance. They also have a higher price than their colorless counterparts, and the more natural they are, the higher their value. And because they’re so rare, they’re more expensive than colored diamonds. 

A black diamond is not worth as much as a colorless diamond. This type of stone can be purchased anywhere. The price of a black diamond is less than that of a colorless one. A real black diamond is often cheaper than a colorless one, but a black diamond is worth more than its colorless counterpart. If you’re looking for a high-quality gemstone, a black diamond might be the perfect purchase. 


We hope this guide to black diamonds has been helpful for those who are considering a bold, dramatic black diamond for their jewelry. If you’d like to learn more about buying black diamonds online, be sure to check out our Black Diamond Earring Guide, which features practical tips on how you can select the perfect black diamond center stones for earrings, rings, and pendants. Our in-depth buying guide goes over how you can gauge the size of different black diamond carat weights, how to choose your jewelry setting style, what you should understand about black diamond certification, and much more.  

If you’re looking for an affordable black diamond, you can choose one from lab-treated stones. They are cheaper than colorless diamonds, so don’t expect to pay top dollar for them. If you want a rare black diamond, you might need to invest in a certified gemologist. While the value of a black diamond depends on its condition, they can be worth almost half the price of a colorless diamond.