Popping The Question In Class

Meg, my then girlfriend of 4 years, is a preschool teacher. With the help of a co-teacher and her class, and with the permission of the school principal, I proposed to Meg by asking a dozen kids, each holding a white long-stemmed rose, to one by one enter her classroom as she was holding her class, and wordlessly hand her the fragrant flower. She kept on asking from whom the white roses were from but the kids just smiled. Then I came last holding a long stemmed red rose, gave the flower to her and greeted her, “Happy Anniversary”, and kissed her. So she thought it was just an anniversary surprise. But then, I took out the red velvet box from my pocket, went down on one knee, opened the box to reveal a diamond ring, and popped the question. And to the delight of the kids, she excitedly said yes.

– Calvin B.

Cedar City, UT.

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