How to Fool a Diamond Tester

You’re not alone if you’re unsure how to fool a diamond tester. In fact, some gemologists can spot a fake in no time at all. This article will show you how to fool a diamond tester and have fun simultaneously. Follow these steps to fool a tester, and you’ll be on your way to owning a real diamond. Hopefully, you’ll be able to find a piece of jewelry that you’ll be proud to show off to family and friends.

One common trick to fool a diamond tester is to store the diamond in a piece of ice, which can falsely affect the reading on a diamond tester. To avoid this, make sure you wear fireproof gloves when performing the test. The fake stone will likely shatter if placed under the heat, which is not good for a diamond. This is because heat’s rapid expansion and contraction cause weak materials to break, but diamonds resist heat tests perfectly. Unlike other substances, diamonds can dissipate heat quickly and cannot be damaged by a sudden temperature change.

How do Diamond Testing Machines Work?

The operation of diamond testers is based on the fact that various gemstones conduct heat in different ways, and heat does not pass through a diamond the same way it does through cubic zirconia or glass.

A diamond tester will determine whether or not the stone is a true diamond by measuring the rate at which heat flows through it.

Additional testers utilize electrical conductivity to test stones; they work on a similar concept, but instead of heat, they use electricity.

What is the Purpose of Diamond Testers?

Jewelers use diamond testers all the time to ensure that diamonds are genuine.

If you bring your diamond in to sell it or exchange it for another, the jeweler may want to verify that it is genuine, which is not always clear.

Before repairing a piece of jewelry, a jeweler must first determine the type of stone in the setting, as different gemstones react differently to heat, pressure, and stress.

Making the person who fixed your diamond jewelry test the stones in front of you when you receive them is a smart idea as a consumer.

If you’re not sure whether or not the gemstone you have is a genuine diamond, you can always take it to a jewelry store and have it examined.

How can you Deceive a Diamond Tester?

If you’re curious about how to fool a diamond tester for educational purposes, several options range from utilizing a synthetic diamond to chemical treatment.

Here are some ideas for how to go about it:

Diamonds made of Synthetic Materials

To deceive a diamond tester, insert a synthetic diamond alongside a real diamond in the testing apparatus.

The tester will register the synthetic diamond as a natural diamond because it is indistinguishable from one.

A synthetic diamond is created in a laboratory rather than one that is mined from the ground.

They are nearly identical to natural diamonds in almost every regard, but they are occasionally less expensive because they are less rare.

Treatment with Chemicals

This entails applying chemicals to the diamond that alter its look significantly, making it more difficult for the tester to recognize it as real.

Hydrofluoric acid is one of the most commonly utilized compounds for this purpose.

Soak a diamond in hydrofluoric acid for a few minutes to chemically treat it. This should be done with the utmost caution, as hydrofluoric acid is exceedingly toxic.

After immersing the diamond in the acid, thoroughly rinse it with water and dry it.

Because the chemicals have somewhat altered the diamond’s appearance, it may register as genuine when tested.

Other methods of deceiving a diamond tester exist. It’s crucial to be innovative and think beyond the box.

If you can find a technique to alter the appearance of your diamond slightly, a diamond tester will most likely recognize it as genuine.

Is it Possible to Cheat a Diamond Tester?

Yes, it is possible to deceive a diamond tester. There are several ways to deceive a diamond tester. Using wet sandpaper, obtaining a synthetic diamond, and applying a chemical treatment are all options.

It’s crucial to know how to recognize a fake diamond if you want to buy one. You may ensure that you get what you paid for by learning these tactics.

The density test is a typical test. The density of diamonds is higher than that of most other stones.

You can also scrape your gem to determine whether it scratches to glass. If it does, it’s almost certainly a diamond.

Finally, you can examine your gemstone through a jeweler’s loupe to check if any of its distinguishing characteristics (such as facets) are present. If they are, it is almost certainly a diamond.

What Kinds of Stones Pass the Diamond Tester?

Some stones have qualities similar to diamonds, making it possible to pass a diamond test with these other jewels.

Moissanite is the most frequent diamond simulant. Cubic zirconia and white sapphire are two more diamond simulants that can be used to deceive a diamond tester.

These jewels differ chemically from diamonds, yet they all have the same crystal structure.

If you need to pass a diamond tester, one of these simulators may be a viable choice:


Moissanite, commonly known as silicon carbide, is a rare, naturally occurring mineral.

In 1893, French scientist Henri Moissan found it while studying rock samples from a meteor crater in Arizona.

Moissanite resembles diamond and is frequently used as a diamond substitute.

Cubic Zirconia

Cubic zirconia is a type of cubic zirconia that is used

Cubic zirconia (CZ) is an artificial (synthetic) gemstone that looks like diamonds.

CZ is a hard, optically perfect, and colorless zirconium oxide stone.

It’s less expensive than diamond and can be used in jewelry as a diamond substitute.

White Sapphire

White sapphire is a type of corundum mineral (aluminum oxide). Sapphires occur in various colors, but white sapphire is the most common diamond simulant because of its striking resemblance to diamonds. Diamonds are more pricey, but white sapphires are less so.

What is the Best Way to Make a Fake Diamond Test?

All you need is a diamond clone to get started. Assuming you’ve decided on cubic zirconia as your stimulant of choice:

Set your cubic zirconia on top of the diamond you wish to analyze. Make sure the gemstones are in contact with one another. Then, press down on the top of the cubic zirconia with your thumb. For around 10 seconds, stay in this position.

Release your thumb after 10 seconds and extract the cubic zirconia from the diamond. Take a look at the findings of the tester. The diamond will almost certainly be authenticated.

This method works because diamond testers employ an electrical current to check for genuineness.

You create a little conduit for the electricity to go through when you press down the cubic zirconia. The current can flow through the cubic zirconia and into the diamond via this pathway.

Because cubic zirconias are constructed of materials that look like diamonds, the tester is fooled into thinking the diamond is real.

Is it Possible for a Diamond Tester to Give a False Negative?

If you look at how diamond tests function, the answer appears to be no – yet there are several situations in which they can provide a false negative.

If the tester is not properly calibrated, for example. It’s possible that the tester isn’t calibrated correctly, resulting in a false negative.

Another scenario is if the diamond under test is extremely tiny. Tiny diamonds (under 1 carat) can be more difficult to test, and as a result, there’s a higher chance of getting a false negative.

Finally, if a diamond simulant is used, as previously described, this can influence the test’s accuracy and result in a false negative.

How do you Check for Moissanite And Diamond?

There are a few possibilities! Start with a pen tester to rule out diamond simulants other than moissanite if you’re using one. After that, look for a certificate or a doubling! Here’s how to do it:

Check for a high level of thermal conductivity. Make good use of your pen tester! Is it listed as a diamond? You most likely have moissanite or a diamond. It’s unlikely that the stone is moissanite or a diamond if it doesn’t have a strong thermal conductivity.

Look for an inscription on the certificate. On the girdle of the majority of diamonds, there is a microscopic engraving that reveals the certificate number. Furthermore, lab-generated diamonds are labeled “lab-grown” or “LG.” Moissanite will not display this; thus, this is an excellent method to distinguish them!

Make sure there is no doubling. The culet (the bottom point) will appear sharp and single when viewed via the crown facets. When looking at a Moissanite like this, it appears to be twice.

With a loupe, How can you Tell if a Diamond is Real?

Jewelers use a loupe, a small magnification instrument, to see small features up close. The only difference between a loupe and a magnifying glass is that a loupe lacks an attached handle and has a slightly conical lens frame. When evaluating diamonds for clarity and class, most jewelers use loupes. If you don’t already have one (strange! ), Amazon has a wide selection of loupes at a fair price.

Look through the loupe for inclusions after you’ve got one. Natural flaws in mined diamonds are frequently present, indicating that the diamond is genuine. After that, look for microscopic flakes of minerals or subtle color shifts. The diamond is more than likely real if there are traces of minor color shifts and flecks. (It’s worth noting that some diamonds are faultless.)

If there are no flaws or imperfections, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re dealing with a fake, but you’re dealing with a rare perfect diamond). While most real diamonds often have imperfections, don’t rely on this method as your final determination. Lab-created diamonds typically don’t have any defects as these gems are generated in controlled circumstances.


The most common way to trick a diamond tester is to use a fake gemstone. You can also use a synthetic stone in place of the real one. A cheaper diamond tester will not have a warning feature, so it may give an incorrect reading if you’re testing a fake diamond with a metal setting. A higher-quality diamond tester will be able to handle the change in air temperature, which is the most reliable way to distinguish a real diamond from a fake.

Depending on cut quality, clarity, color, and shape, a one-carat diamond can cost anywhere from $1,300 to $16,500. Some testers can give false results because of a battery dying, a worn-down tip, or other reasons. Despite the risks, most testers will tell the truth about your diamond. It’s important to buy the right one for your particular needs. And if you’re worried about getting scammed, don’t hesitate to buy a professional diamond tester and enjoy peace of mind. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results!