Raw black diamond

How to Identify a Raw Black Diamond

You are not alone if you are interested in learning how to identify a raw black diamond. This sort of stone is often challenging to differentiate from other types of stone. The following are some of the most typical characteristics to look for to make the procedure more straightforward. An examination of the essential properties of a raw black diamond will be presented in this article. Once you comprehend these, you will be able to determine whether or not the stone is genuine. Continue reading to find out more.

Black diamond

Even while most black diamonds on the market today have been superheated or irradiated to a nearly black color, natural black diamonds exist. However, they are scarce due to their high melting point and high radiation. In the deep earth’s crust, diamonds are formed naturally, but diamond manufacturing companies can also produce diamonds in a laboratory setting.

Black Diamonds

In the diamond industry, black diamonds are referred to as fancy colored diamonds, and they are graded differently than the more common white or colorless diamonds. In contrast to other fancy colors, such as blues or pinks, black diamonds may be less expensive than white diamonds, owing to a lack of customer desire for the gemstone. Tastes, on the other hand, do alter. During the last few years, black diamonds have gained in popularity. This jewelry style appeals to people looking for something dramatic and different in an engagement ring or any piece of jewelry in general.

Tips to Identifying a Raw Black Diamond

While trekking through the wilderness, it isn’t easy to find a rough diamond. Although they appear scarce and are primarily discovered in mining sites, this does not rule out the possibility of coming across one in the wild. It’s not easy to tell the difference between raw diamonds and refined diamonds, but there are a few things you can look for to help you distinguish between the two.

Focus on The Gravity

If you’re hunting for a rough diamond, you should know its specific gravity. The density of a diamond varies between 3.5 and 3.53 g/ml, which is the ratio of the stone’s density to a pure liquid with a thickness of 1 g/ml. However, this gem’s identification should not be confused with quartz with a gravity of 2.6 to 2.7.

Thanks to gravity, it’s simple to distinguish raw diamonds from other diamonds. You may also use shaker tables to separate diamonds from other gemstones. The following is a step-by-step guide to using this tool:

  • Fill a transparent, standard-sized drinking glass to 3/4 capacity with water.
  • Then, in the Glass, drop the stone you have.
  • The stone is a natural raw diamond. If it sinks, and if it floats, it’s a fake.

Test for The Thermal Absorption

Diamonds are the most effective heat absorbers available among all gemstones. With the help of diamond testers, you can validate this on your stone. These instruments are held in hand and have a metalhead that comes into contact with the diamond being analyzed to determine its quality.

Have you ever been curious about how it works? It generates a modest amount of heat and monitors the stone’s rate to absorb that heat. A professional tester will be able to detect if your stone is a genuine diamond or merely another gorgeous stone of similar quality.

A diamond tester may be found in every reputable jewelry store. It is not necessary to purchase this item to determine whether or not your stone is a natural diamond.

Do a Hardness Test

Whether rough or refined, every diamond is without a doubt the toughest of all jewels. This diamond receives the highest rating on the Mohs scale of hardness, which ranks minerals from softest to most challenging. But how can you determine the hardness of a stone if you have one?

So, please don’t use the suspected stone to scratch glass. Glass has a Mohs hardness of 5.5, which means that most stones that resemble diamonds may scratch it. Furthermore, the test will be unreliable because they are more frequent than diamonds.

Scratch corundum to achieve excellent results. Surprisingly, the stone has a Mohs scale value of 9 and contains rubies and sapphires. If your stone scrapes corundum, it’s almost certainly a diamond.

Scratch-resistant metals such as cubic zirconia and moissanite, on the other hand, are available. As a result, other tests, such as the heat test, are more dependable than the hardness test.

Use The Ultraviolet (U. V) Light Test

While determining the authenticity of your jewel, keep in mind that 30 percent of diamonds will glow blue when exposed to shortwave ultraviolet radiation. Once you have carefully placed a diamond beneath ultraviolet light, it will occur. Although some will shine and generate other hues like as yellow, red, or orange, this process is not entirely dependable in all cases.

When doing all of these tests, it is recommended that you use the tester tool to obtain reliable findings. In addition, various procedures can be used to determine whether or not your stone is a raw diamond. Listed below are a few examples:

  • Test whether the stone will break by heating it. On the other hand, a raw diamond is highly likely to have no such characteristics.
  • Make use of the fog test.
  • Look for the diamond’s crystal shape in the rock.

How do Black Diamonds Get Their Color?

The natural black color in diamonds is typically caused by several slight, dark-colored inclusions and fractures in the diamond’s structure. The majority of black diamonds are opaque and have a nearly metallic luster in appearance. On the other hand, some may have a transparent “salt and pepper” appearance. When viewed from the side, some diamonds with a black face-up color may have a dark brown or dark green body color compared to their black face-up hue.

The majority of black diamonds used in jewelry are colored using a variety of processes. High pressure/high temperature (HPHT) treatment and radiation therapy are examples of such treatments.

Regardless of whether a diamond is color-treated or not, its chemical composition (carbon with negligible impurities) and crystalline atomic structure are what distinguish it from other gemstones. In other words, the natural diamond can be defined as originating from a cubic or isometric crystal structure of some sort. The “Black Orlov” diamond, weighing 67.5 carats, is possibly the most famous natural black diamond globally.

What is A Raw Diamond?

A raw diamond, sometimes known as a rough diamond, is a fine diamond that has not been cut. It takes eons for these stones to form and remain undisturbed before mining companies can extract their resources. But it is only during volcanic eruptions that they become available for us to use and benefit from.

It should come as no surprise that the diamond industry removes cut diamonds from their original state in a significant amount of time. The tremendous temperatures and pressures generated by volcanoes cause the carbon atoms to join together and form a structure in the ground. After cooling, they will form crystals similar in appearance to rough diamonds.

On the majority of occasions, Raw diamonds appear to be a collection of pale-colored glasses. Because these stones have an oily appearance and have not yet been cut, you should not expect them to shine as brightly as you may think. Aside from that, rough diamonds have a high gem quality, with only the palest and colorless specimens passing the test.

How do You Tell Whether a Diamond is Rough at Home?

Place the diamond under a loupe or microscope and search for rounded edges that have tiny indentation triangles along the edges of the diamond. Parallelograms or squares that have been rotated will be found in cubic diamonds, on the other hand. A genuine raw diamond should also have the appearance of having a coat of vaseline applied to it. Diamonds that have been cut will have sharp edges.

Are Black Diamonds in Their Natural State Magnetic?

Due to the mineral inclusions in black diamonds, they are frequently electrically conductive (although unevenly), and they can even exhibit magnetic at times. Indeed, graphite is electrically conductive, whereas magnetism can be found in various minerals such as magnetite and hematite.

Natural diamonds are not magnetic in the strictest sense of the word. Some synthetic diamonds are highly magnetic, to the point where they respond when exposed to a “regular” magnet, due to metallic inclusions, which are often the flux material employed in the growing process of synthetic diamonds.

Is a Black Diamond a Genuine Gem?

Black diamonds are genuine. Natural diamonds, carbonados, and treated black diamonds are all types of diamonds found in the wild. In contrast to natural diamonds and carbonados, treated black diamonds are not inherently black; instead, they are colored by heat treatment to get their hue.

Like other forms of fancy color diamonds, Black diamonds are tough to come by. The fact that black diamonds are far rarer than colorless diamonds may surprise those who are already familiar with the price ranges of these diamonds — black diamonds are significantly less expensive than colorless diamonds.


After that, take a look at the diamond’s surface. When a genuine raw black diamond is examined, it will be uniformly black throughout the stone. If the stone appears to be multiple colors of black, it is most likely a fake. Purchase a high-quality diamond tester to ensure that you’re purchasing a genuine raw black diamond when making your purchase. Any flaws or faults in the stone will be revealed during the test. Following these basic rules will put you on the right track to making an informed purchase.

Black diamonds have risen to the top of the jewelry industry’s popularity charts. Because of its one-of-a-kind and exquisite beauty, it has grown in popularity, even competing for the position of the center stone in engagement rings. Before designing jewelry, it is necessary to identify a black diamond for use.