diamond color

The Essential Guide to Diamond Color

Why Less is More in Diamond Color

When beginning to shop for a diamond, you’ll soon come across one of the 4 Cs: color. In this context, jewelers are talking about the presence (or absence) of color in a diamond. All diamonds fall into a certain color range and are graded by how colorless they are. The whitest, colorless diamonds are the most brilliant because they allow the most light to pass through them. On the other hand, diamonds with more color filter and diminish the light, emitting less sparkle. The general rule of thumb when shopping for a diamond? The less color, the better. Please note that fancy colored diamonds (pink, green, yellow, blue, etc.) fall into their own category and are incredibly rare and expensive.

Diamond Color Grade: Which One Should I Choose?

To help with understanding the different grades, the GIA has created a professional color scale, starting with D being colorless all the way down to Z with a more yellow or brown hue. Here are a few things to keep in mind:



Diamonds in the D-F range: Believed to be completely colorless and the most pure, the diamonds in this range are rare and highly valuable. These are ideal for diamond connoisseurs and collectors.

Diamonds in the G-I range: These look near colorless and to the naked eye, and are an excellent option for the average consumer, as the money savings can be significant.

Diamonds in the J-M range: There may be a touch of yellow to the untrained eye in this color range. However, with the help of a jeweler you can camouflage yellow tones with different settings and opting for a platinum, palladium or white gold setting to minimize the tinge of yellow.

Diamond Color:  Important Tips

  • If quality is of utmost importance and if finances allow, diamonds in the D-F range are spectacular. Since these diamonds are quite rare and valuable, many people may not be able to afford diamonds in this range.
  • Fortunately, the majority of people will never be able to tell the difference between diamonds in the D-F and the G-I range—and these are still near colorless and provide great savings.
  • If you find that your budget is unable to stretch for a diamond in the previously mentioned ranges–or if you prefer a larger stone–you still have options. Try finding a diamond in the J-M range, as these are still a beautiful option with an affordable price tag.

One thing to remember when buying diamonds is to not get overwhelmed. Take your budget and personal preferences into consideration. At the end of the day, the thing that matters most is finding a ring that is both in your budget and beautiful. Do what works for you and you’ll find the buying process more rewarding and satisfying.



Photos courtesy of www.singingjeweler.com and www.luxuo.com

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