Diamonique vs Diamond

Diamonique vs Diamond – Is Diamonique a Valuable Substitute?

Diamonique vs diamond is a question often pondered during many jewelry purchases. We will compare the two in this article. Carbon buried deep within the earth creates diamonds. Diamonds are a pure crystalline form of this element. Scientists believe it takes billions of years for the carbon to turn into a diamond. Once formed, we mine the precious stone from the earth. Diamonique is a manufactured gemstone created in laboratories. They do not have the same organic properties. We will explore the visual and quality differences between the two.

Diamonique vs Diamond

Difference in Color

Letters describe the color of diamonds. There are 14 hues:

  • The scale begins at D, which is colorless. Colorless D diamonds are rare.
  • The diamonds graded E, and F are clear, which means no yellowing. Only a trained eye is able to tell the difference between the top three grades.
  • G, H, J, and I are near colorless. Most people do not notice the difference between these grades.
  • K, L, and M have a yellowish hue. An untrained eye might notice the tint.
  • The next grades N, O, P, Q, and R have light tints of yellows to soft browns. Gemologist place colored diamonds in the S through Z categories.

All Diamoniques are Es. They are sheer and colorless with no tinting. The diamonique gems are transparent.

Difference in Sparkle

Sparkle is a term to describe light shimmering off a moving gemstone. Light shining on the moving diamonds or diamoniques pass to the middle. Once inside, the light reflects or bounces around. This is sparkle.

Another way to explain it is to imagine a light shining on ordinary glass. Glass gives off no shimmer or sparkle. It is not ‘capturing’ the light. Shine a light on a diamond or diamonique. The light bouncing around inside is internal reflection. The light reflects many times before escaping the stone. This repeated internal movement makes sparkle.

Diamonds naturally sparkle and the clearer they are, the sparklier they appear. When comparing a diamonique vs diamond, the diamoniques have consistently perfect high internal reflection.

Difference in Brilliance

Brilliance differs from sparkle. Light reflection marks brilliance. Sparkle is the movement of light. High brilliance occurs when most of the light shining on the gem reflects back to you. With these stones the higher the refraction, the greater the brilliance. Any natural flaws will diminish the brilliance in diamonds. In addition to reflective qualities, cut influences brilliance.

Difference in Hardness

Mohs scale measures hardness on a scale of one to ten. One being the softest, for example talc. Diamonds are a 10.

When comparing diamonique vs diamond, the diamond is harder. Tremendous pressure on carbon for centuries forms diamonds in the earth. The tight bond created by pressure and time has made diamonds one of the hardest minerals on the planet.

Diamoniques are 8.5.  To put it in perspective, hardened steel and tungsten receive a rating of 8 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Difference in Clarity

Clarity determines how much light can pass through the gem. Blemishes and inclusions block and slow down the light. Blemishes are on the outside and inclusions are imperfections inside the stone. The more markings a gem has, the less brilliance and a lower clarity.

The clarity is traditional marked with a combination of letters and number. There is also a number scale of one through ten. Professionals study the gems under powerful magnifications to determine ratings.

  • Flawless (FL) or zero (0) states no imperfections seen under high magnification. A flawless diamond is rare. Less than 1 in 5,000 natural diamonds are perfect.
  • Internally flawless (IF) is also a zero (0), but has external blemishes. Almost as rare as the flawless diamond, you will only find 3% of jewelry with an IF rating.
  • Very very slightly blemished or stones with miniscule inclusions rate as VVS1, VVS2 or number one (1) or two (2). While under magnification, stones with minor inclusions rate as very slight. These are VS1, VS2 or number three (3) or four (4).
  • Noticeable inclusions will warrant an SL1 or SL2 rating. SL means slightly included. The rating numbers are five (5), six (6), and sometimes seven (7).
  • Included is the lowest clarity rating. Imperfections are obvious and often are visible with no magnification. These stones rate eight (8), nine (9), and ten (10) or I1, I2 and I3. Diamonds with low clarity do not have the same strength as the higher clarity ones.

Because the environment forms diamonds, blemishes and imperfections are common and expected. Diamonique stones have zero (0) inclusions or blemishes. Manufactures have mastered the creation process, and they are flawless.

3PC diamonique ring set
Diamoniques are flawless (Image Source: eBay.com)

Difference in Cut

Cutting affects how light will reflect in the gem. Strategic cuts create facets and angles, which reflect light out of the table. The table is the top or face.

In the cutting of diamonique vs diamond, different techniques apply to each stone. This is due to the difference in hardness. The finished products are identical.
Cuts create shape. Common shapes are round, square, and rectangles. Other popular shapes are oval, pear, and marquise.

Difference in Price

Diamonds are expensive because it takes resources to harvest them. It requires people, equipment, and land. Companies have to spend money prospecting for diamonds first. Once they locate a field, there is no telling the quantity or grade of the diamonds in the mines.

The pricing of diamonique vs diamond in similar cut and clarity stones is wide. A grade E diamond with very very slight blemishes has to be expensive. Mother nature does not produce a lot of them.

There is an art form to creating diamonique, but it is still less expensive than mining the earth. All diamoniques are grade E in color and flawless. There is no scarcity.

The Bottom Line

The final comparison of diamonique vs diamond is clear. Diamonds are natures beautiful creation. They are strong, and they have their place.

Creating diamonique is far easier on the environment. The stone can become a several carat ring, or petite earring studs. Diamonique’s price range can fit into almost everyone’s budget. Even on a lean budget, you can still get a visible stunning gem. There is no sacrificing clarity, brilliance, or cut for size. Diamonique is a valuable substitute.