What does Genuine Diamond Mean?

If you’re in the market for a new diamond, the most crucial thing to grasp is what it means to have a genuine diamond on your finger. If you aren’t sure, the following article will offer you a general grasp of the distinctions between a genuine diamond and an imitation diamond. By the time you’re finished with this essay, you’ll better understand what a genuine diamond looks like. If you’re still not convinced, you may always contact a jeweller for a certificate of authenticity.

Diamonds are the hardest substance known to humanity, even though they are not harmful. This implies that they are adamant about consuming, but the reality is that they are so difficult to swallow that swallowing them could result in widespread bleeding or even death. You can always ask your jeweller to conduct a test to establish whether or not a diamond is genuine because most jewellers keep electricity-testing gear on hand. Following your discovery of the particular stone you wish to acquire, you can proceed to make an informed decision about your purchase.

This is the shortest and most straightforward of the definitions. Explained that a natural gemstone was formed naturally due to geological processes. A man may have treated them to improve their beauty, but he had nothing to do with their creation. They are extracted from the soil and are pretty rare, with some being extremely rare.

Genuine Diamonds (Fake and Real)

Fake diamond

The ‘fake’ problem is rampant, just like any other pricey product. The ‘fake’ issue exists even in diamonds for engagement rings and wedding bands. Don’t present your loved one with a false diamond during your engagement or wedding. To prevent purchasing a fake diamond, understand what they are. Learn how to tell the difference between a real and a fake diamond.

  • Instead of an actual diamond, some jewellers utilize zirconia. A white crystal is known as zirconia. Because it resembles a natural diamond, cubic zirconia is the most commonly employed as a diamond stimulant? Look through the stone to distinguish between zirconia and a genuine diamond. If you try to use coloured paper on zirconia, you’ll discover that the colour shows through, but not on a genuine diamond.
  • To conceal false diamonds in engagement rings and wedding bands, jewellers usually seal the diamond’s setting so that its bottom is not exposed. Natural diamonds, on the other hand, frequently have their bottoms visible.
  • Some jewellers employ glass instead of actual diamonds to create engagement and wedding rings. Use a magnifying glass to tell the difference between the glass and a diamond. If the engagement ring stone contains many air bubbles, it is most likely a glass rather than a diamond.
  • An original certificate from a trained gemologist is required for the diamond ring. If the certificate is fraudulent, the stone is almost certainly fake.
  • A natural diamond reflects light. The diamond is most likely artificial if the reflection is rainbow-coloured. Grey and other greyish tone reflections are ordinary in genuine diamonds.
  • A false diamond takes a few seconds to clear the fog, whereas a genuine diamond clears the fog immediately. So breathe on the stone and see if the fog clears off right away. If it does, you’re dealing with a natural diamond, but be skeptical if it takes 2-4 seconds to clear.
  • The diamond is most likely fake if set on cheap metal. Genuine diamonds are typically placed in platinum or gold.
  • It may be difficult for someone who isn’t an expert on stones to draw a clear line between real and fake diamonds. Still, these suggestions can help nearly anyone avoid purchasing engagement rings or wedding rings with imitation diamonds.

Real Diamond

A professionally qualified gemologist is unlikely to refer to a diamond as a “genuine diamond” or use the term “real” to describe any substance. You’ll need to modify the inquiry to appear like a savvy buyer.

Diamonds have been the jewel of choice for engagement rings for decades. However, with the introduction of synthetic diamonds and diamond clones, it’s only normal to inquire about genuine diamonds. The term “real” is not used in gemology; however, it is crucial to the consumer.

  • Place the stone in front of your mouth and fog it like a mirror. It’s probably a fake if it stays fogged for more than a few seconds; a natural diamond instantly disperses your breath’s heat and won’t fog up. It will clear significantly faster than a fake, even if you wait between fogging it up and looking at it.
  • Using a stone you know is real next to the suspect stone, and fogging can help. You can see how the real remains clear while the false one fog up; condensation will form if you continuously breathe on fake diamonds. The false stone will fog up more and more with each puff, but the genuine stone will remain pure and clear.
  • Check and mount the setting. . I will not put a genuine diamond in a cheap metal. Inside the setting, stamps showing real gold or platinum (10K, 14K, 18K, 585, 750, 900, 950, P.T., Plat) are a good sign; however, a “C.Z.” stamp indicates the center stone is not a natural diamond. Cubic Zircon (C.Z.) is a type of synthetic diamond.
  • Cubic zirconium is usually free of flaws and should pass all other tests. They are cultivated in sterile surroundings rather than being created by accident in the Earth’s laboratory. An excessively flawless stone is almost always a fake.
  • An actual diamond, on the other hand, could be flawless. Don’t let flaws determine whether or not your diamond is genuine. Other tests should be used first to rule out fakes.
  • On the other hand, lab-grown diamonds are usually free of flaws since they are formed in highly regulated settings. Chemically, physically, and optically, lab-grown gem-quality diamonds can be chemically, physically, and optically identical (and occasionally superior) to naturally occurring diamonds. This ability to outperform “natural” diamonds has raised concerns among people in the mined diamond industry, pushing hard to distinguish lab-grown diamonds from “natural diamonds.” Diamonds created in a laboratory are “real” but not “natural.”

Treatments with Diamonds

Some manufacturers may attempt to change the colour or clarity to make it more desirable and marketable. A variety of methods are used to alter the colour of diamonds, ranging from simple ones such as colouring the girdle facets with a permanent marker to more sophisticated ones such as covering facets with an optical thin film, exposing the diamond to radiation, or subjecting it to annealing at high pressure and high temperature. Fracture filling is the most frequently used method of improving clarity. All of these procedures may enhance the appearance of the diamond, but the seller is required by law to state that the Federal Trade Commission has treated the diamond.

The difference between a genuine diamond and a synthetic diamond is as follows:

  • When viewed with the naked eye, there are no visible distinctions between naturally occurring diamonds and lab-grown diamonds. Natural diamonds have only trace nitrogen levels, whereas lab-grown diamonds contain no nitrogen whatsoever. This is one of the distinguishing characteristics geologists use to determine whether a diamond is lab-grown or natural.
  • Place the stone on the dot so that the flat side faces up. With your eyes trained on the paper, glance down through the diamond’s pointed end. It is a false gemstone if there is a circular reflection inside the gemstone when held up to the light. Unless you can see the dot or a reflection in the stone, you can be sure the diamond is genuine.

Is there any Monetary Value to Genuine Diamonds?

The price of diamonds fluctuates in the economy, just like any other high-end item does. Diamonds can increase in value at times, yet they can also decline at other times. Regardless, pre-owned diamonds are typically sold for a discount on their original retail value. In most circumstances, a diamond has a resale value that is 20-60 percent higher than the original purchase price.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, if a diamond comes from the ground or is made in a laboratory, both are considered “real” or “genuine” because they are composed of carbon in a crystalline form. Diamonds have a unique refractive index that is not duplicated by any other material on the planet.

Do Real Diamonds have a Dazzling Luster?

Genuine diamonds do not have a rainbow of hues within the stone, as is commonly believed. The interior of actual diamonds, on the other hand, glows in shades of white and grey. The diamond’s brilliance comes from the way it reflects light, and the cut of a diamond is one of the factors that influence its level of brilliance. When it comes to light reflection, diamonds are unmatched: the inside of a genuine diamond should dazzle grey and white, while the outside should reflect a spectrum of hues onto other surfaces. For comparison, a fake diamond will contain rainbow colours that can be seen both within and outside of the diamond.

Is it True that Precious Stones are Genuine?

A genuine gemstone is a naturally occurring gemstone that has not been altered or manipulated. Treatment is mainly intended to improve the cut or appearance of the gemstone to allow it to shine brightly in its brightness. These gemstones are also referred to as “improved” or “treated” gemstones, depending on how they have been enhanced or treated. A genuine diamond should be able to cut through glass easily; however, a fake diamond would not. For gemstone hardness, sapphires are close behind diamonds on the list. Because it is simply a robust and durable stone, there should be no signs of wear and tear. There are nicks in the stone, which indicates that it was probably a false gemstone.

What is the Best Way to Tell if a Diamond is Genuine?

Place the stone on the dot so that the flat side faces up. With your eyes trained on the paper, glance down through the diamond’s pointed end. It is a false gemstone if there is a circular reflection inside the gemstone when held up to the light. Unless you can see the dot or a reflection in the stone, you can be sure the diamond is genuine.

Take a glass and fill it halfway with water (it doesn’t matter what kind of water you’re using). Drop the diamond into the glass of water and wait a moment. Because of the high density of diamond, when a natural diamond is placed into water, it will sink. The diamond is a fake if it floats to the top or center of the glass.


The crystal structure and chemical composition of a natural diamond are both unique. It comprises only one element, carbon, and is created under high temperatures and pressures. The carbon atoms link together in all directions, making them unique. Another similar stone is graphite, which contains the carbon but is formed differently. A graphite diamond is also softer than a diamond. As a result, you should not buy one without first visiting a gemologist. The diamond’s size is also essential. If the diamond you want to buy is over half a carat, it should be set in white gold or platinum. Because a diamond of this size is frequently set in platinum or white gold, a certificate from a reputable gem laboratory is required. If it isn’t, I Should give it an AA+. Because purchasing a fake diamond can be expensive, the price difference should be minor.