Blue Diamond Engagement Rings: Unique and Gorgeous!

Blue Diamond Engagement Rings: Unique and Gorgeous!

Engagement Rings With a Different Touch:  Blue Diamond Engagement Rings


blue diamond engagement rings
Blue diamond engagement rings are simply beautiful while not for everyone, if you have your heart set on these stones, here’s some great info to help you out. Blue diamond engagement rings are perfect for those who want to march to a different drum. They speak volumes with their unique blue shades and are quite exquisite to the eye. They are generally set in a white gold setting, making the gem’s brilliance stand out.

Blue diamonds are commonly man made vs the white diamond that is created by nature.  They are actually very expensive and extremely rare if they are nature made.  Some believe that man made diamonds are inferior but this could not be further from the truth.  Some people are so in want of this blue diamond, they will settle for a slightly smaller size in order to afford these luscious gems.

Find the Perfect Blue Diamond Engagement Rings

Finding the perfect blue diamond can be time consuming and a little mind boggling.  There are natural blue diamonds that are a much darker blue color but also are incredibly expensive in comparison to man made blues. The majority of blue diamonds sold today are man made and therefore, if a jeweler claims to have a natural blue diamond, research all claims well before making a purchase and be a little suspicious because natural blues are extremely rare.

The Opulent 1980s

The popularity of the blue diamond hit its peak in the 1980s when everyone wanted the best, what’s in it for me, and money was no option.  The blue diamond has grown in popularity ever since then and is usually most sought after by those who want to make a unique statement that matches their individual personalities.

Alternatives If You Love Blue Diamond Engagement Rings (but can’t afford the price!)

If the price of a blue diamond leaves you a little faint or disappointed, don’t lose heart! Take a closer look at sapphires and aquamarines. These are absolutely beautiful stones and could provide you with a most exquisite and unique engagement ring!


Another great alternative for those who find the blue diamond a little too pricey would be to look into a wedding band set with blue diamonds. As these diamonds are relatively smaller, a band can be set with smaller blue diamonds that will make for an amazing band!

Synthetic, Lab Created Man Made Diamonds

A fantastic option that is growing increasingly popular are lab created diamonds and gemstones. They are a fraction of the price of mined diamonds and come in more carat weight and color options. Now, more than ever before, blue diamonds are a possibility for the average consumer. A few reputable places to purchase them are Gemesis, D. Nea Diamonds, Chatham and Brilliant Earth.

Where to Find Blue Diamond Engagement Rings

As these stones are rarer and not available everywhere, it’s advised that you call ahead to various jewelers before stopping by.  Another alternative is to do research online to find retailers who cater to unusual gems and blue diamonds.  Narrowing your search will help you find places that are more likely to have what you are looking for.

Most blue diamonds are set in white gold or platinum, though you can have a different metal of choice if the ring is custom made.  Another thought might bring better luck if you broaden your search by not using the term “engagement” rings.

When researching reputable jewelers, look for those who are members of the American Gem Society and always check in with the Better Business Bureau.


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