Formation of diamond

How Long Does It Take For A Diamond To Form?

It is one of the fascinating parts of a diamond to contemplate how long it took to be formed. These specimens were on the world’s surface long before we arrived, and they were submerged beneath the surface for even longer. According to jewelers, diamonds have been there for hundreds of millions of years, who frequently inform consumers that diamonds have been around for hundreds of millions of years. Diamonds have been around since before the time of the dinosaurs. Natural diamonds have been around for more than 900 million years, according to the British Jewelers’ Association (BJA). The world’s oldest diamond is approximately 3 billion years old. These are unquestionably exceptional discoveries.

Meanwhile, scientific evidence suggests that natural diamonds can be thousands of years old. Before you can comprehend the length of time required for a diamond to form, you must first understand the natural formation process? What is the length of time it takes for a diamond to develop, and what type of environment is required for this process? An overview of how diamonds are made and how long they take to form is provided below.


How are Diamonds Formed?

For diamonds to form, carbon at around 100 miles from the earth’s surface must be subjected to extreme pressure and heat. Diamonds and coal are both primary carbon sources, yet their chemical structures are quite different.

Diamonds are created when pure carbon sources are exposed to extreme temperatures. Minor flaws in diamonds can cause the color and structure of the stone to shift. Even minor modifications can cause the diamond to become unattractive. It is necessary to trap near-pure carbon sources to produce diamonds. “Carbon dioxide” is a well-known source of carbon that is almost entirely pure. The temperature should be around 2200 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure should be around 725000 pounds per square inch (PSI) for the solid diamond structure to develop. The diamond lattice is characterized by three-fold symmetry. Diamonds can only be produced in the presence of the requirements listed above. The carbon atoms’ formation of bonds with four other atoms (carbon) gives the diamond its strength. Once a diamond is generated, it is ready to be mined and used in various applications.

It’s fascinating to see how diamonds make their way to the earth’s most extreme surface. Volcanic eruptions brought the majority of the diamonds mined to the earth’s surface. Scientists claim that the movement will take place in a matter of hours, and this is because volcanic explosions can move up to 30 miles in less than an hour.

The movement of diamonds to the surface at a speed of 30 miles per hour increases the likelihood that they will be transformed into graphite on the way to the surface. Scientists are baffled about how long it takes for diamonds to grow naturally in the earth’s atmosphere. In laboratories, it is tough to recreate the circumstances that lead to the formation of diamonds. The term “carbon dating” is used by most diamond researchers to estimate the age of diamonds. As a result, the age of most diamonds is estimated to range from hundreds of thousands to millions of years.

How Long Does it Take for a Diamond to Form?

The Natural Diamond Process

To comprehend how a diamond is created, we must first distinguish between a perfectly natural diamond and any of the available impostors. When it comes to genuine diamonds, the process begins with the presence of carbon atoms within regions of the earth’s mantle, according to the strictest definition. That is a distance of thousands of miles between the earth’s surface. Because of the tremendous pressure that exists in this area of the earth and the extremely high temperatures, a diamond begins to develop gradually over time. The entire process takes between 1 billion and 3.3 billion years, which corresponds to around 25 percent to 75 percent of the age of our planet’s crust.

Synthetic Diamonds

While the formula for genuine diamonds is, to put it mildly, complicated and time-consuming, the process of manufacturing synthetic diamonds is significantly less complicated. To create graphite, intense pressure and heat are “simply” applied to graphite in a process that can take just a few days instead of burying carbon 100 miles beneath the surface where it is 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit, exposing it to the extreme pressure of 725,000 pounds per square inch, and expelling it at incredible speed towards the surface. HPHT is an abbreviation for High-Pressure High Temperature, which is the process used. It is also possible to create synthetic diamonds through a process known as Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). This necessitates the use of a genuine diamond and less pressure and more heat. It is necessary to place the diamond in a depressurizing chamber where natural gas is blasted at it by a microwave beam for it to be depressed. Once heated to nearly 2,000 degrees, carbon atoms begin to form and fall onto the diamond, adhering to it, expanding it, and eventually resulting in what seems to be an almost flawless gemstone. This “diamond growing” process can be completed in as little as one day if the proper instruments and skills are used.

Authentic Vs. Synthetic Diamonds

Yes, the formation of genuine diamonds takes an extraordinarily long period. That is one of the primary reasons they are so expensive, gorgeous, and unbreakable compared to other materials. There are diamond look-alikes available that are practically identical to the real thing. Still, you must remember that the way it appears is only a part of the beauty of a diamond. The endurance of a diamond varies depending on whether it is accurate or not, and its history is simply unrivaled in the world of jewelry. Diamonds are highly uncommon and challenging to obtain, and their availability is rapidly depleting. This only serves to enhance the uniqueness and attractiveness of genuine diamonds. In the end, a little diamond is preferable to a synthetic diamond if the true beauty of the diamond is what you are looking for.

It is strongly recommended that you get the stone evaluated by an expert. You only purchase from reputable organizations to guarantee that you are purchasing a genuine diamond that has genuinely taken millions or billions of years to produce. Unless you are willing to spend a significant amount of money, you should be aware that the process of forming from carbon and suffering a harrowing journey to the surface frequently results in defects and inclusions. The more money you spend, the better the quality of your diamond. There are ways to obtain an original diamond that is free of inclusions and does not cost a fortune without breaking the bank. Simply conducting the study, shopping in the appropriate locations, and arriving with as much knowledge as possible is required.

What is the Age of Natural Diamonds?

It is undeniable that natural diamonds have existed for a very long time. It is relatively simple to tell the difference between synthetic and natural diamonds. A large number of impostors have an impact on natural diamonds. It is in the mantle of the earth where genuine diamonds are produced, and this is a distance of many miles from the earth’s highest point. As previously stated, enormous pressure and temperature are required for diamonds to develop in their natural state. The entire procedure is carried out in stages.

Most diamonds are thought to have originated a couple of billion years ago. However, younger diamonds originating from the more recently discovered Kimberlite rock can be traced back millions of years.

How Long does it take a Diamond to Grow?

To produce a 1-carat lab diamond takes 7-10 days, and it takes around one month to grow a 3-carat lab diamond. If you try to develop a diamond quicker than it can be grown, the diamond crystal will break. Because of this, there is a physical limit to how quickly diamonds can be produced.

Can Diamonds be Made Overnight?

“Diamonds are formed under pressure, but it is important to remember that they do not form overnight.” Diamonds are generated in nature due to pressure and heat, which causes carbon atoms to condense and form highly sought-after diamonds. … The presence of high levels of magnesium and carbon dioxide causes magma to rise to the surface, causing an eruption.

Is it True that Coal can Transform into Diamonds?

The metamorphism of coal has been attributed to the formation of diamonds at various times throughout history. According to, we now understand that this is not the case. “Coal has played a minor influence in the creation of diamonds in the past… Diamonds are formed in the mantle from pure carbon under tremendous heat and pressure conditions.

What is the Best Way to Identify if a Rock is a Diamond?

The scratching of corundum is the sole hardness test that can be used to identify a diamond. The hardness of corundum, which contains all rubies and sapphires, is a nine on the hardness scale. If your suspected diamond crystal can scratch corundum, then there is a strong possibility that you have discovered a diamond in your possession. However, no other HARDNESS TEST will be able to distinguish a diamond.


Human beings place a high value on diamonds, whether synthetic or natural. A great deal of research has been done to determine the age of diamonds. These investigations demonstrate that diamonds require a significant amount of time to produce. For this reason, they are indestructible, attractive, and costly. You will come across many gems that appear precisely like each other. Diamonds, on the other hand, are never the same, and there will likely be many “insignificant” variances between the two.

Even though diamonds have become a popular gemstone in jewelry, creating them is not straightforward. It may take several weeks for a particular size or shape to be achieved. It is also possible for the size of a diamond to vary between different types of stones, depending on their color. As a result, if you opt for a diamond ring, be prepared to wait a time before receiving it. A diamond is worth more in gold than it is in diamonds.